Deposit Rates

Interest Membership/ Regular/Kids Club/ Share Accounts1 Power Checking1 Christmas Club1 IRA Shares1
Dividends/ Interest Dividends Interest Dividends Dividends
Dividend/ Interest Rate/ Annual Percentage Yield 0.15%/0.15% 0.15%/0.15% 0.15%/0.15% 0.25%/0.25%
Dividend/ Interest Compounding Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Dividend/ Interest Credited Quarterly Monthly Monthly Quarterly
Required Minimum Balance to Earn Stated APY $300.00
Regular and
$5.00-Kids Club
$1000.00 $5.00 No Min
Minimum Opening Deposit $5.00 Membership
$5.00-Kids Club
and Regular
$50.00 $5.00 No Min
Term Certificate 6 Month2 Regular/ IRA 12 Month2 Regular/ IRA 18 Month2 Regular/ IRA 24 Month2 Regular/ IRA
Interest Rate/Annual Percentage Yield 3.95%/3.95% 3.75%/3.75% 3.75%/3.75% 3.25%/3.25%
Interest Compounding Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly
Interest Credited Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly
Minimum Opening Deposit $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00

Nature of Dividends: Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period.

Dividends are calculated by the Average Daily Balance method, which applies a periodic rate to the Average Daily Balance in the account for the period. The Average Daily Balance is calculated by adding the balance in the account for each day of the period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the period.

For More Information:

Call: 737-212-0030

Write: P.O. Box 19138, Austin, Texas 78760

Truth In Savings Disclosure and Service Charge Schedule available upon request.

Your accounts are subject to certain fees set forth on our service charge schedule. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.
Member accounts in the LCRA Credit Union are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

1Variable Rates - The rate may change after the account is opened on share accounts, checking accounts, Christmas Club, and IRA Share Accounts.
2A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal from term share certificates.

Dividend and Interest Rates 06/01/23.
Power Checking Rate is accurate and effective 11/01/22.
Membership/Regular/Kids Club Share Accounts & IRA Share Account Rates are accurate as of the last Dividend Declaration Date and effective 09/30/22.
Christmas Club Account Rate is accurate as of the last Dividend Declaration Date and effective 10/31/22.
Term Certificate: Effective Date: 11/01/22.